No Time for Games | Teen Ink

No Time for Games

September 22, 2013
By ArtemisAnjel SILVER, Braselton, Georgia
ArtemisAnjel SILVER, Braselton, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;And then is heard no more: it is a tale<br /> Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,<br /> Signifying nothing.&quot;<br /> Shakespeare

So eager are we to learn the pleasures of drink and flesh, little one?

My sweet, perhaps with all the knowledge you have learned,
You have forgotten- the pleasures,
More endless than those of adults,
That await for you,
Sitting just at your heels?

Such a short time you spent skimming over them, my dear heart.
Perhaps innocent laughter is no longer pleasing to your ears?

If you feel you must, then go on little one.
Enjoy your harsh fun,
But remember,
Darkened hearts are forbidden to come back.

You must go in the direction you are headed…
For now,
Would you like to rest
And finish walking another day?

The author's comments:
Enjoy your childhood. When you grow up you will wish it was longer.

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