Stand Tall | Teen Ink

Stand Tall

July 25, 2013
By WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
WriteMyWonder BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stand tall,
Even if the world around you is beginning to fall.
And all the thoughts and beliefs start to break,
And the floor beneath you begins to shake.
How can you possibly understand?
I’m drowning in the middle of sea and you’re on land.
They said it’ll get easier but I haven’t felt so bad,
My smile fades and my eyes become sad.
How does your heart work if it’s missing a half?
Tell me how a broken one can continue to laugh?
There’s salt in my wounds, blank on my face.
I can’t explain this pain so why don’t you have a taste?
Walk a mile with this burden in your head,
Thinking of all the words that were left to be said,
All the promises you said you’ll always keep,
And I’ll stumble and fall if this climb gets anymore steep.

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