A Special Feeling Called Love | Teen Ink

A Special Feeling Called Love

June 8, 2013
By kailae9314 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
kailae9314 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Marriage is about love not gender"

I need to feel you’re love.
Try not to break my heart.
Cause I have to get that special feeling,
You’re lips on my lips.
I need you now,
more than ever.

I’ll love you forever,
Do you believe in true love?
So let’s do it now,
Marry me and fulfill the desires of my heart.
When I feel you’re lips,
I get as giddy as a school girl when she gets that feeling.

When I’m near you I don’t know what I’m feeling,
I feel like I’ll live forever.
I get that feeling when you touch my lips,
You’ll tell me what you love.
I’ll give you my heart,
If you come with me now.

The author's comments:
typically this poem is about a guy

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