Making Me | Teen Ink

Making Me

May 13, 2013
By PrincessCapri BRONZE, West Helena, Arkansas
PrincessCapri BRONZE, West Helena, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You never know if you can do something if you don't try!

The ship rocks, many of us coloreds are getting sea sick from the water and the man that stands over me with a whip.
I was raised by my grandmother and being the last of five children made things easier. I looked and learned from everyone's mistakes. But, why didn't I prevent myself from doing the same thing? I control all of my problems because I'm the boss. Grandma has always told me she worked her fingers to the bone and walked too many miles to work for me to not rule over personal situations, like drama. Learning from the best, she stood up to the people that tried to lower her self esteem and dignity. How did that inspire me? I became a leader and stood by my everyday duties in life. I'm smart from hard work in school and in overcoming tribulations. Troubles? Troubles make me-me.

The author's comments:
Background doesn't determine a person your actions do.

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