Poetry... | Teen Ink


May 7, 2013
By thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
thatcodyguy BRONZE, Grosse Tete, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Crazier than…

Chuck Norris
Coked out and fighting dinosaurs,
Their blood pooling in his sombrero as he decapitates them.

Confusing as…

Shouting at you to put the noodles in the freezer,
His breathe reeking of crown and coke.

Emotional as…

A PMS’ing teenage girl
Who’s crush just asked her to prom,
Tears falling into her wide smile.

Complicated as…

An Egyptian puzzle box
Lined with riddles and secrets
Frustrating the most seasoned of scholars.

Elusive as…

A shiny unicorn
Fighting terrorist in its leisure time,
Cancer is cured from its very gaze.

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