We crash | Teen Ink

We crash

May 3, 2013
By Too_Many_Tears BRONZE, Huddersfield, Other
Too_Many_Tears BRONZE, Huddersfield, Other
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
To conqure fear you must become fear! and dont judge a book by its cover... read the blurb too :)

All I wanted was to see your face,
Just to see that smile.
What does that look like, again?
Hit by the momentum of thought.
I don't know you. I should.
But no, it’s gone,
Those memories fading and smudged.
I crash. Hard.
Obliterated by none memories.
Why did you lie?
Why did you steal?
The bars that imprison you
Imprison me in dark melancholy.
Do you even want to know me now?
I’m nothing like her,
It’s been four years now, of course I’m not her.
She died the day you ran. She cries,
She cries, no sleep just the non-existence of a torn women.
You don’t have to see her, to see your damage.
She lost her son without losing him,
You’re so close but still so out of reach
As you always have been.
Always will be,
You crashed so did we.
No after math for you though, as we relive your mistakes.
every day.
We crash.

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