Integration of Identity | Teen Ink

Integration of Identity

April 24, 2013
By alohomorahearts SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
alohomorahearts SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Carpe Diem, boys, make your lives extraordinary" - Mr. Keating (The Dead Poet Society)

In the beginning
We had different morals
And different tongues
And different rituals
It was beautiful and colorful
And just our own

But now that we have met each other
We have slowly slipped into one one another
And forgot a bit of us along the way

Causing our bright and independent colors to collide
In turn, swirling then and twisting
So they have all mixed
Making the most of the world a dull blank gray
And leaving us with none of ourselves

We now all focus on building up
Building taller
Building wider the the rest
Because that is the way THEY are going
So we follow like trained dogs

We have long forgotten our
Different morals
And tongues
And rituals
They simply slip through our fingers

There are those who try to cling on to the little bit of them
But soon they will all give in

Give into the taller and the wider
But leave themselves behind

Change is ever happening
And cultures are always combining
Into a color of integrated identities
So we now longer have us
We just have THEM
THEM who we are a mirror of

No more beauty
No more world of many colors
Just those that used to be
And soon a long forgotten story

It is time for us to think
Before the last color sipped away
Is it worth it?

The author's comments:
Forever have difference set each culture apart from each other. But now through industry and advancing technology as we race into the future, our cultures and morals tend to be left behind.

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