Senseless Dreamer | Teen Ink

Senseless Dreamer

April 24, 2013
By BreWaugh SILVER, Council Bluffs, Iowa
BreWaugh SILVER, Council Bluffs, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.&quot;<br /> -Judy Garland &lt;3

It's been to long
I have the regrets
Same as everyone else.
I want to feel your warm arms,
Embrace my small body.
I want to hear your loud voice,
calling my name.
I want to see your sweet face,
carving your features into my mind.
I want to be by your side,
Never forgetting,
all the dreams we've shared.

The author's comments:
Is from the point of view of a teenager, a hopeless romantic. Who has dreamed of their made up dream person. Never wanting to forget them.

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