Playing Detective | Teen Ink

Playing Detective

February 22, 2013
By danifern SILVER, San Diego, California
danifern SILVER, San Diego, California
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Life sucks.

The clues led me to a place

I walked in

It was dark

But not scary, not at first

The words on the wall meant nothing

The blood on the floor was wiped out

I wondered why he wanted me here

I wanted him to want me here

I wasn’t sure if he was still around

I heard a noise, turned around

He was at the doorway

He asked if I’d liked the book he had given me

I asked him who he had killed

I never came out of that room

But neither did he

His next victim didn’t exist

Not anymore

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 17 2013 at 4:21 pm
sadesdd DIAMOND, Elma, Iowa
90 articles 0 photos 213 comments
I don't really understand this little snippet but it was really fun to read because it was dark and creepy.