trying and giving up | Teen Ink

trying and giving up

February 7, 2013
By madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do I even try all I get is hurt
But when I don't try the hurt fills me up
So I cry and scream but no one hears
Because they don't hurt
I want to make them feel
But I can't they are mindless zombies
They don't know what hurt feels like
I still cry but I am past screaming
I am screaming on the inside
It hurts to scream on the inside
Yet know one hears
I look at happiness and weep
I weep because I only feel hurt
Yet I look at hope and feel joy
Because someone will hear me
One day someone will find me
I will be joy full then but not now

The author's comments:
Thos just popped in my head one day

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