I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

February 1, 2013
By kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I can see you standing there,
but I cant hear you.
I tell you to come here,
but when you do I dont know what to do.

I can feel your touch,
and my skin starts to warm.
My cheeks blush,
and and butterfly's around us sworm.

You say I'm beautiful,
and funny.
But I feel I am pitiful,
and always running.

You can see my fears,
but you tell me you love me.
And I can feel my tears,
as I ask myself why this has to be.

But you take me in you arms,
and hold me close.
And I can see all your charms,
and you hand me a rose.

Before I know it you kiss me,
and tell me the words "I Love You."
I say in my head this is how it's suppoesed to be,
and say "I Love You. Too."

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