the storm of love | Teen Ink

the storm of love

February 4, 2013
By madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

it not only rains anymore
it thunders and lightnings
i scream in pain
as it electrifies me slowly
killing me
it never ends
the suffering of this neverending storm
the flashing and booming of the sky
as it slowly burns me out
i stop trying
i stop feeling pain
i stop loving you
because my love for you has caused this storm
but i cant stop loving you
my heart constricts when i see you
i wish i could stop
but its not that simple
so the storm stays
and i still love you
and no matter wat i still feel the pain of the storm

The author's comments:
I fell in lovve and haven't unfallen although he probally has

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