Unspoken | Teen Ink


January 28, 2013
By Renne,AmberDDD SILVER, Great Valley, New York
Renne,AmberDDD SILVER, Great Valley, New York
9 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can't make lemomade with out the lemons"

I love you
But do you love me
The lack of respect and kindness
Shows other wise
Now you have someone else
Your swings become below the belt
Behind hidden walls words were spoken
Therefore my heart is broken
The sneaking and sniving
The attitude and snootiness’
Is called unkindness
Your partner in crime
You guys must have some fun times
I thought we were close
But now you are drifting into the coast
There are no life boats
So I guess we are going to have to float

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