The Dark Days | Teen Ink

The Dark Days

January 15, 2013
By Taylor Rasner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Taylor Rasner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m fine,
Don’t worry about me.
I’m just waiting for the day,
To say I’m ok.

My parents say I’m in denial,
That I don’t want to believe,
But they don’t know,
I just want them to leave.

I’m fading away.
My clothes don’t fit anymore.
My bones are showing,
Don’t know if I can keep going.

Nothing is wrong,
Just go about your day,
Don’t worry about me,
I’ll be ok.

I go to the doctor,
But every time,
They say I’m sick,
I simply reply “I’m fine.”

I don’t know
Where to go from here
If I don’t get better soon,
The end is near.

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