The Sadness Found in Today | Teen Ink

The Sadness Found in Today

December 21, 2012
By Anonymous

Tears fall from the eye like rain falling from the clouds in the sky on a crummy Monday morning.
I cry without reason as I remember the tics I suffered from as a young innocent child were like those of a old grandfather clock.
Today I cry and tomorrow I will as well because that's just the way I am.
I'm stuck in the past even though I'm present in this negative reality.
My mood goes back and forth like children filled with joy playing on swings.
This is sad writing because I wrote these words while my eyes burst with tears and my true colors were rising at the seem--depression doesn't go away because it's not a bad dream.
My heart rapidly beats as sweat pours down my face each bead having a race as I rush into a panic attack--images of stabbing in the back-- feeling a heart attack.
Thoughts I don't want lurk into my head like a shadow that isn't yours following you because it is lost like its owner. I walk alone, but that doesn't mean I'm a loner.

The author's comments:
I wrote this on a day where I had hit rock bottom.

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