For Things to Come and What to Expect | Teen Ink

For Things to Come and What to Expect

December 2, 2012
By Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people...” -Nicholas Sparks, The Lucky One

“To my sisters”

My Dears,

There are gonna be those times,

That will make your palms damp with sweat.

Your insides may squirm, twisting into knots,

Timid pups, overwhelmed by the mocking jungle.

They’ll judge you, make assumptions,

They’ll forget their own shortcomings.

They won’t understand you.

Nor will they take the time to know you,

Who has the time? What is time?

People believe without a second guess.

Cold and calculating, unmovable,

Processing empty information those machines,

Feeling no humane empathy.

I know the unknown is frightening,

Don’t let seemingly scary things dissuade you.

Go out there and take life for all it’s worth.

Wherever you make enemies

There will always be friends,

Waiting to be discovered in their wakes.

Not everyone will like you, but stay true,

And not everything will go your way,

Pick yourself up and dust off, be unphased.

It can be brutal, that’s how you gain strength.

To gain experience takes perseverance,

Take trampled flowers, make them thrive.

Don't give up,
Cause those fairy tales
Always end happily ever after.

With love,

Etcetera etcetera.

The author's comments:
This is an epistolary poem written to my little sisters. It's for them to read when they start to grow up. For those angsty, drama ridden, coming of age, torturous, wonderful, finding yourself teenage years.

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