Fire in my house | Teen Ink

Fire in my house

November 15, 2012
By Barry Flowers BRONZE, Oxford,Ms, Mississippi
Barry Flowers BRONZE, Oxford,Ms, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm scared of fire
There was one in my house
I got ran over by a tire
The cat was chasing a mouse
The cat was the Kyoto
The mouse was the deer
And the mouse got shot by Toby
Now the house had no more fear
I ran out of town
I then saw a lot
and got chased by ugly red clown
His nose was full of green snot
Now i have a big frown
The cops found him and he got shot
The mouse was back to life
But he got ran over by a tire
I got stabbed by a knife
This all because of some fire

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