these three years | Teen Ink

these three years

April 30, 2012
By LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

its been almost three years since I've seen you,
three years since you held me in your arms.
three years since you've kissed me,
three years since I've felt your warmth.

in the course of three years,
guys have come and gone in my life.
in the course of three years,I've had to put up with so much strife.

During these three years, my mind wanders back to February,
the day when we first met.
right down to the sixth, when you asked and i said yes.

In these past three years i often look at the teddy bear you gave me that long ago valentine's day.
And my heart keeps on breaking, will i ever feel okay?

i can't believe it's been three years, and yet my heart still beats for you.
i track your successes, I'm proud of what you do.

these three years have been so bittersweet, as each one slowly went by.
between these haunting memories of you, and all the tears that i cry.

the day we kissed by the railroad tracks, lives forever in my heart.
you'll never know how i died inside, the day we grew apart.

and i realize you forgot me long ago, i wish i could do the same.
But every time i say i forget, i know it's just a game.
because as soon as I'm alone, i begin to remember.
i think ill be in love with you, from this day to forever.

its been these three years, and i don't know what to do.
because as my boyfriend kissed me, i was wishing he was you.
whenever I was with him, i always thought of you.
i wish that somewhere out there, you still loved me too.

it's been three years, three years, three years i say,
and yet i still love you, to my last dying day.

The author's comments:
"was having a very meloncholy day...and i thought of my ex of freshman year, and how much i miss him.Ha, he probably thinks i'm a pyscho or something now :T if he ever reads this...."

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