Curiosity Is Ever Changing | Teen Ink

Curiosity Is Ever Changing

May 1, 2012
By risshillman BRONZE, HOLDEN, Maine
risshillman BRONZE, HOLDEN, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Song of myself

To live is to laugh
and to laugh is to breath sweet bliss
to share my thoughts of kindness
is the friend everyone needs,
to be smart with my judgment
and strong in myself, these things
make for more good times
and less bad.
The make for more laughter and
less saddened tears.
today I celebrate myself.

I celebrate the joy I bring others.
I celebrate my ability to do well in whatever I may choose.
I celebrate my tears, laughter and love and I celebrate my hopes
to share it all.

Because after all, to laugh is to love
and to laugh is to breath sweet bliss
and to laugh
is to live.

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