untill i found you | Teen Ink

untill i found you

March 29, 2012
By Dani473 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
Dani473 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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dont make someone your everything cuz when there gone what do you have left? nothing

my heart had been crushed never thought i could feel anything for anyone untill i found you. you stole my heart i hear all the time long distance is stupid. it never works. how do we know. my grandpa is living (dead) proff that long distance can work out. my heart had stopped beating for love untill i found you. you treat me with respect and can always make me smile. ive been hurt for so long untill i found you my heart was shattered you took your time and peaced it back together peice by peice. putting it back the way it was before you came along. now my heart is whole again. and im hoping that my love will start flowing again.

The author's comments:
hes sweet and amazing.. i like him alot. <3

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