Always | Teen Ink


June 3, 2011
By purplepickles GOLD, Mounds View, Minnesota
purplepickles GOLD, Mounds View, Minnesota
10 articles 12 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
ever Let Anyone tell you "No"
Write your own lyrics
war is unhealthy for children and other living things


Do I brush my teeth? Always.
Do I do my homework? Always.
Am I kind to everyone? Always.

Do I try hard? Always.
Do I listen? Always.
Do I care? Always.

Do I give a hug to someone who’s upset? Always.
Do I cry along with them? Always.
Do I try to make them feel better? Always.

Do I sometimes need a hug? Always.
Do I need someone to listen? Always.
Do I need someone to care? Always.

I do all these things, because it’s a two way street. Always.

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