Beautiful Silence | Teen Ink

Beautiful Silence

June 23, 2011
By Just_Jill GOLD, Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia
Just_Jill GOLD, Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia
16 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Courage is not a lack of fear, it is acting despite the fear.

You may have seen us around
We're the few spaced out between,
Or maybe you've overlooked us
Because we are not as we may seem.

No sound will you hear from us
Not even noise from our feet,
For we tread on the paths so quiet
And it's silent in the air we breathe.

From our lips no words you'll hear
Until you learn to use you're ears,
Listen for a sound so small
It might first be mistaken as silence.

Only then will you realize
We've got something to say,
It just happens to be harder for us
Since silence is our domain.

We are the ones you call Shy
But this is not a bad thing you see,
While you were spending a noisy life
We took time to stop and listen.

Instead of the noise of our own life
We hear what's all around us,
There's beauty in the noise of the earth
And in what others have to say.

Next time you see someone
And dare to label "bashful,"
Just remember this is a good thing
Not one to be hidden away.

The author's comments:
My own experience inspired this.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 21 2012 at 7:49 am
n3xtusplaya DIAMOND, Honolulu, Hawaii
83 articles 23 photos 232 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you are not."

~Luara Moncur

Wow this is great! It's so true, I think all people should read this poem, I believe it could change the world. Also very unique rhythm, it wasn't all rhyming couplets and not even every other line...But there were those few lines that did rhyme which kept the readers attention.