Hello My Friend | Teen Ink

Hello My Friend

May 15, 2011
By quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

Hello Dear Friend

I’ve missed you

Not the slim &amp; curvy everyone knows

The rather plump, round you

Who no one recalls

The clothes you’re in

Yes, my clothes

Reminded me of you

Hello old friend

Your long hair, that I cut

Whimpers of you

How you hid in it

To cover your shame &amp; plump rolls

Tells me of you

Hello my friend

I see we have met again

Our tears make it so

For only they have witnessed

Though stayed silent

Hello my heart

I fear when I’m done

I won’t go back

I’m what you wished to be

But it was never as it seemed

For we are alone

You’re voice is the lightning

No one can hear

But me

For I am the thunder

Ever calling the

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