She or Her | Teen Ink

She or Her

April 10, 2011
By LoverofMusic SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
LoverofMusic SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day she lost everything. The day she was left with nothing. The day she found herself in the dark. She found herself in so much pain. She found herself in a place where she would have never guessed to end up. A place where she wouldn’t have dream of or to be. A place where she was her, not the girl who she thought was me. A place where it was everything she been covering up. The things that she have been pushing behind her. The things that she have been lying to herself about. She was a self that she didn’t want to show. Now she is open and variable. She is showing that side she been hiding. Slow she is slipping away from that place. Now she back to the girl who didn’t want to show the real her. She doesn’t shade a tear, she doesn’t talk about her thoughts or emotions, she smiles and act like there nothing wrong, she is holding back her pain and agony. She is that girl who want the real her dead. No she isn’t gone quit yet. She is here and going to put up a fight. As she is slowly slipping and tripping over her feet, she stills put up a fight. She wants to be her, but deep down inside she knows she can’t be her. The girl she truly is.

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