Will Be Wearing My Daughters Halo | Teen Ink

Will Be Wearing My Daughters Halo

January 7, 2011
By BrokenForTheMoment BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
BrokenForTheMoment BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When people see things, they should see them with compassion."

Mother: I think I'm gonna let Tye wear it... he`s earned it.

Me: i will try and get it back I will. I will try and try oh Mother mack. I'm trying to sound like Sam I Am

Mother: You do not sound like Sam I am... no way, no how, no chance in hell maam

Me: hey, dat my wurd gurl. And I have curls. I'll rock wurld

Mother: Oh do you, do you like you perm? Which make you look like the one who gave sperm? Hey... it rhymed! Nothing else rhymes with perm.

Me: Well maybe his little worms don't work no more so mo more little girls won't be running around with perms.

Mother: one could only hope for worms that don't work, what this world does not need is an additional jerk!

Me: True. Standing by my sides are my brothers and sister, related by blood from no other misters.

Mother: Or far more worse than more jerks are more b****es.. Then we ll have to start digging some ditches

Me: Oh the holes been dug and the ditches been there. I'm sure someone will see dollars wrapped in rubber bands, and if we dig a little deeper maybe some contraband. Some mamas aren't fit for raising the next generation and unfortunately they end up living in deprivation. But the stars are there so they're is always hope. Maybe they all think we'll curdle up and cope. But seems how it always works is lust and desire so until then he'll burn in that fire.

Mother: i just want to mention here that all your dads kids have the same father... lol

The author's comments:
a very complicated thing that we found an easy way to talk about. We were competing to see who could rhyme it better. I'm sure it would've went on. I know this is silly but I really hope this can help some people.

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