The Tattered Road | Teen Ink

The Tattered Road

August 4, 2010
By SnehaChatterjee PLATINUM, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Other
SnehaChatterjee PLATINUM, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Other
45 articles 2 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads diverged in the woods and I,
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference

Robert Frost wins!
I’ve also chosen “The road not taken”.
Rest is on the hands of God…
Yeah I may seem lonely today. I do have a companion-Poetry.

There is no fun without risks.
But tomorrow who knows…
It will be my turn to smile. And I’m not going to change. My life will change.

I’ve seen the consequences of trying to please others. You are tossed around like a ball when you are innocent. I want to continue with my innocence anyway. You are called crazy when you are being yourself. I don’t care; I just want to be me. You are said to have no future if you try out new things. I want to keep trying new things anyway. You make true foes and fake friends when you succeed. I want to succeed anyway…

So people of this world hear me out!
You can’t make me compromise my dreams just to please you. I’ll not believe when someone says, “ Jump from the mountain and nothing wrong will happen to you”. I won’t let the snakes bite me so easily.

I appear strange to you. So what? I don’t want to be like the rest of the crowd anyway. You can’t force me to give up dreaming. Who says that I can’t do it? I believe in me. I will do it. You can’t say that I have no future. I mean, have you seen my future or even yours? Stop discouraging me.

As long as I keep trying,
As long as I keep the faith,
As long as I follow my heart,
And as long as I keep hearing the voice of God in my heart…
I’ll reach my destiny. Yes I’m serious.

You make me cry, you laugh at me too. You know my weaknesses more than I do. I’ll fix my flaws in no time if you just tell me once. I know its “uncool” to understand me. You may forget me but I won’t forget you.

I’m not afraid to walk through the tattered road. The spider webs can’t scare me. The voices of the wild jungle can’t frighten me. The thunderstorms can’t make me worry. The darkness can’t darken me. No matter how much you try you’ll never succeed in changing my decision. I’m happy now…
I’ve made my choice. I can see a bright smiling light far, far away…

Hey Adventure, here I come!
My journey begins…

Bon Voyage to me!

The author's comments:
My favorite poem " The Road not taken" written by one of the world's greatest poets-Robert Frost has inspired me to write this article.

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This article has 21 comments.

pramod4u said...
on Aug. 5 2010 at 1:46 am

hey m truly scared yr..................

nice again...............