Crying | Teen Ink


March 28, 2010
By Vampirelover001 SILVER, Staunton, Virginia
Vampirelover001 SILVER, Staunton, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A breakup is like a cut. Their might be a scar but the pain will go away.<br /> In dreams we never stop living. So in life never stop dreaming.

In the rain
Its hard to tell
When a persons crying

I love the rain
Not many people do
Because it reminds me
Of all the times i cry

Its been so long
Since i had a real smile
I put on fake ones
So my friends won't worry

There's only one pleace where i

know i will smile
Not a fake one a real one
The place where i almos died

They say it was a miracle
They say it was because i needed

to do something
But the truth is... it wasnt a
miracle or something i needed to do

But i lived because if i died someone would lose the person of their dreams.

The author's comments:
" This piece is probably my favorite because it is me and its so true. Its just about me and no one else."

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