Escape | Teen Ink


August 14, 2009
By Anonymous

A girl becomes a wreck.
She doesn’t know how to handle life.
She cries and cries just trying to find,
A way to end the pain at last.
She then finds a final resort.
A razor blade to her wrist,
The pain lightens,
A final getaway.

One cut isn’t ever satisfying.
Two turns into five.
Five into ten.
Ten into a sliced up body.
Just trying to escape ’life‘.

Summer isn’t the same anymore.
No more swim suites or tans.
She is now filled with shame.
Shame because of the ‘better life’
She could be enjoying.
Shame every time she is confronted
About the marks on her.
Pure shame.

Each of those marks explains a story to her.
A lost loved one,
A fight with a best friend,
In general a really bad day.
Stories better left unsaid.
And all she was doing was innocently
Trying to escape her troubles.

She realizes its time to fight the monster.
It is time to fight the addiction.
It is time to seek help now and she knows it.
She puts it off just one more day.

That day she makes her ‘last cut’
Before she tries to stop forever.
The dark world pulls her under.
All in the matter of a second,
Just one mere accidental cut too deep.

Fight the monster before it takes your breath away.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 26 2009 at 4:33 pm
Crazzzy_Megan GOLD, Ventura, California
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments
Thank you, good to know someone can relate as well..& Thanks for the comment!(:

Brndi said...
on Sep. 24 2009 at 12:32 pm
this is a really good poem and i can relate to it!! keep writing!!