Voices of the Vanishing | Teen Ink

Voices of the Vanishing

June 25, 2024
By GioChoi BRONZE, Blairstown, New Jersey
GioChoi BRONZE, Blairstown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the snow leopard, prowling the Himalayan mountains high,
My numbers few, my habitat encroached, my prey hunted, I struggle to thrive.
Poachers covet my ghostly fur, my home steadily melts away,
Endangered and elusive, every day's a fight to live.

I am the leatherback turtle, ancient mariner of the deep.
Plying the oceans far and wide.
Nets and debris entrap and choke, beaches lost where I would nest,
Unless protected, I'll soon disappear like countless others with nothing left.

I am the mountain gorilla, endangered emblem of humanity's kin,
Hunted for meat, captured for profit, our families butchered for greed.
The forest home my troop has dwelled in for ages shrinks by the day,
As civilization encroaches further, where shall we live, eat, work, and play?

I am the Sumatran elephant, one of the last great Asian herds,
Ruthlessly hunted and poached, pushed from the wilds we've known for years.
Palm oil plantations choke our last refuges, hardly a patch for us to roam,
Soon we shall vanish from this earth, our ancient footsteps no more.

I am the Bengal tiger, once proudly stalking the jungle brush,
Reduced to a handful of tigers, my stripes coveted and sold.
Traders profit from each part they take,
If I'm not protected, I'll only live on as a legend, seen no more in the wild.

I am the orangutan, swinging heavy and low through the rainforest green,
My numbers dwindle as lands are cleared to plant more palm oil.
This home I've cherished for generations is disappearing acre by acre,
What fate awaits if nothing's done to preserve the haven that nurtured my ancestors.

I am the monarch butterfly, vivid flutterer dancing on summer winds,
But toxic sprays and climate chaos our migrations disrupt and thin.
Milkweed vanishing, numbers plummeting, it takes a wide web of life to sustain us,
Protect each delicate thread so our brilliant wings may again trace patterns across the land.

We are the voices of the vanishing, endangered echoes growing faint,
Each a vital irreplaceable thread in Earth's threatened web.
As guardians of this world, you hold our fragile lives in your hands,
Preserve our wild havens so together we may dwell upon these once beautiful lands.

The author's comments:

I am a rising senior at Blair Academy and this poem is about different endangered animals telling the world about their dire predicaments. 

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