We Will Always Rebuild | Teen Ink

We Will Always Rebuild

June 12, 2024
By Anonymous

If there is one thing that

Our country has shown the world,

It’s that we never

Give up.

“Boston strong”

During the Boston marathon

Something tragic happened

And cost many lives.

But what did we do after,

We rebuilt

We stood back up

And kept fighting.

After the attacks of 9/11

The country was devastated.

But guess what we did,

We got back up,


Made something taller, stronger, larger

And it still stands today.

“For there is always light”

After the



and mayhem at the capital

Some thought the U.S was destroyed

And would enter another civil war but no,

Amanda Gorman united the country.

After all of this

We can see that one thing is certain,

We will never stop fighting.

The author's comments:

I borrowed two lines, 

"For there is always light" - Amanda Gorman’s speech.

"Boston Strong" - Slogan after the Boston Marathon bombing.

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