Roses and Violets | Teen Ink

Roses and Violets

May 12, 2024
By Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
Giada_Dance BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Roses aren't always red,

And violets aren't exactly blue.

In the garden of my heart,

They wither away the truth.


Petals fall in the rain,

Each memory a thorn.

The sky weeps my sorrow,

As I wander feeling torn.


Lost in a dreamy daze,

Darkness becoming shade.

But shade cloaks every path I walk,

As roses wilt and violets fade.

The author's comments:

I always remember from my childhood the classic poems of roses are red, violets are blue, I thought you should know, that I love you! I would always say it to my mom on Valentine's Day because it is a classic. I figured since that was apart of my childhood, it could take a turn into something more serious compared to a poem that a 5 year old would say.

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