Christmas morning | Teen Ink

Christmas morning

February 26, 2024
By Anonymous

The fresh powder and the sight of snow

Candy canes raindeers and cookies baked so slow 

The stalkings all hung the lights on the tree

and many presents wrapped under the tree.

The fire is all warm and that brand-new video game you have been waiting for,

Your family together and people caroling in the winter weather.

The presents all open the family dinner that is as big as the tree.

The ham and the bread, the juice, and the wine, and the bright red cranberries that were not divine.

Wanting to have fun wanting to go outside so we can remember all of the fun times

The smell of peppermints the big bright bows and the depressing Christmas clothes

That we didn't ask for.

we have our family and our fun that lasts forever until were done.

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