ode to music | Teen Ink

ode to music

February 13, 2024
By kylieachavarria BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
kylieachavarria BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Due to you not always being appreciated

Due to you not always being classified as “a form of art”

I can breathe in your emotions

Not everyone understands the reason why you are here

Why you are the way you are

I can smell the scent of every single memory you remind me of

It smells like sadness

I can hear the lyrics from different musicians, genres, and bands you uphold

I can taste the cold air and breeze of your feelings in the air, in the sky, in the world

Only you are what uplifts not just me

But every one from men to women, child to adult, bitter to ecstatic

I know you as “ the therapeutic tool”

You are known for combining both vocal and instrumental into one element

I feel sorrowful, resentful, or even distressed depending on what form and genre I am listening to

I feel even powerful and confident in myself

I feel the urge to want to scream

I feel shaky, I feel every emotion possible

Music flows through my heart like blood 

You are special because you help people from all around the world

You are special because you have been with me

Music is a comforting warm blanket

The author's comments:

I did this for school but i have always loved poems and been interested in them.

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