When You Look At Me, I Look Back At You | Teen Ink

When You Look At Me, I Look Back At You

February 9, 2024
By lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
lexidworman BRONZE, Holden, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am a man.

A masculine Image of my father

I stand tall and brave

I tighten my tie

I stand up tall

Look at me against the wall

Do you wish I fall

I never said I am a man

I am a woman

I am short

I have learned I am not allowed to distract

A feminine woman of my mother

I don’t wear dresses 

I fight for this country

I never said I was a man but I act like one don’t I

I am a mirror

I reflect peoples words

I drip when someone crys 

People look at me

Not in the way I look at you 

No one will ever look at you the way I do

I am a human

A villent emotional sob story

I may not be what you perceived me to be 


The author's comments:

I am a sophomore In high school and have very big dreams. I have been told to publish my pieces because I am an amazing writer. This is a step for me to finally accept who I want to be. In an elective class for Junior and Seniors, we have a lot of choice and freedom. This piece Is the product of looking at an image and writing the whole time.

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