Untitled | Teen Ink


January 11, 2024
By 5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

More often than not, I am cerulean blue,

a river continuously moving with the constant flow of life,

twisting and turning around corners,

speeding up and slowing down



a bright blue aqua sky, 

sometimes clear with hope, or clouded by struggles.

However, a small portion of my soul is muted gray, 

my thoughts and worries clinging to my conscience all day long, 

a small desire to keep things in my life unchanged and repetitive,

unleashing comfort, yet a passionless feeling.

Yet, sometimes I notice these colors fade, 

and I start feeling empty with no desire to regain either feeling.

But then I realize, these colors make me the girl I am.

Whether it be cerulean blue or muted gray, they are me,

and I am them.

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