A Ship of Silver Lining | Teen Ink

A Ship of Silver Lining

December 7, 2023
By LeviathanEaterOfWorlds BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
LeviathanEaterOfWorlds BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"oo oo ahh ahh" - Curious George

Shrilling waves coasted upon rugged rocks

Calming enclosed within a fretful thought

A vessel; its meaning without hollow

The people; the flowing flag they wish to follow

Adversaries entitled; lured by their own rumination                                  5

Admired within esteem; glaring at them as an abomination

Escaping entrapment internally in walls called home

Conquered yet still owned; same as in a palindrome

Childrens long cries, looming for guidance

A dire delay left in silence                                                                       10

Forgotten, absent, within a room of worry

To the masses, it’s been kept shunned and blurry

A prayer, issuance, carried by a little jewish boy

Strained, deprived of all sense of joy                                                     

A Question, love and care with civility                                                    15

Asking when they’d meet the liberty

A family, crossing the Atlantic

To escape their lives that are traumatic

Sewn, held together and binding

The hope, a ship of silver lining                                                              20

The author's comments:

A poem about the immigration of the Jewish during WWII.

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