Why do you do this to me? | Teen Ink

Why do you do this to me?

November 16, 2023
By SsofiaT SILVER, Crockett, Texas
SsofiaT SILVER, Crockett, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Stay gold Ponyboy"

Why do you do this to me?

Why do you call me beautiful one day, then ignore me the next?

Why did you say I was the best thing that ever happened to you but then block me the next month?

I hate it.

I hate the way you wished me happy birthday, but only knew that because snapchat reminded you.

I hate how you say I’m not the problem but then you can’t explain to me what is the problem.

I’m truly sorry.

I’m sorry for all the “trauma” I caused you, but whenever we would text you would belittle me and make me think I was worthless.

I’m sorry that you were so weak you couldn't handle my friends asking what we are because whenever you would hear my name you would just look at the ground.


You really believe this was my fault?

You think since you gave me attention that I'm your property.

You really think that since I've never had a boyfriend that you could 

get in my pants so fast?

You think that because I depended on you for comfort you come back at me and gaslight me?

The fact is you never even cared.

Never cared about my feelings.

Never ever cared to text me unless I texted first.

Never even care to think about my feelings.

But I’m glad your gone.

I’m glad you blocked me after four and a half months of talking.

I’m glad you and your unibrow couldn't handle me anymore.

And I’m so glad that your stupid little lacrosse friends thought it was weird you “liked” me.

I'm so relieved you’re gone. My life has become brighter, my grades have been up, and I'm back with my friends.

The friends who cared and knew what was best for me.

The friends who actually want to know my feelings.

But you never answered my question.

Why do you do this to me?

The author's comments:

Why bother playing with her feelings, when you could just be normal?

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