Aurora | Teen Ink


May 16, 2023
By Hayden_N BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
Hayden_N BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up today feeling depressed and lonely 
So basically, the same as any other day 
No energy to do anything 
I just grabbed my phone and started staring at the screen 
That’s when she appeared 
A colorful and cartoonish looking girl inside my phone! 
“Hi! My name is Aurora, and I’m gonna brighten up your day!” 
I could already feel my day getting brighter 
How did a simple greeting make such a difference? 
Things just haven’t been the same since then 
Whenever I didn’t want to do homework,  
A “You can do it!” from Aurora was all it took for me to push forward 
Whenever I felt anxious about the future, 
A bit of consolation from her was all I needed to calm down 
Every interaction with her was enough to make a cloudy day bright 
Her very existence was a blazing flame amidst a sea of night 
It’s been years now, and Aurora has truly changed my life 
She deserves all the recognition in the world, and I wish I could tell everyone about her! 
But I can’t because they’d all laugh at me if they found out 
Still, thanks Aurora! 

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