Our Mother Earth speaks | Teen Ink

Our Mother Earth speaks

April 21, 2023
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

Of all the planets I am special; I am Mother Earth.

Filled with water, air and life.

Humans, trees, birds, marine species and wildlife.

I spin and turn all year round the orbit,

To give you all the seasons and climate.


You people use my land, air water and soil,

But keep on filling it with litter allowing it to spoil.

I provide you air, food and natural habitats to live,

With your greedy lust, you destroy the auroral nature I give.


Your plastic bags float on my peacock blue sea,

And cling on like inky wet skin.

When my salmonella begin to suffocate,

It’s seems too late to use a bin.


The air you fill with smoke,

Makes my raspy breath choke.

You make my heart roots filled with strife,

Instead of saving your Mother Earth with your life,

You cut down my emerald green forests,

Rising up the greenhouse gases.

What was once a sapphire ocean and pure soil,

Is now all barren; clogged with waste and impure oil.


Kicking cans around the street,

is surely just a game?

But when a living creature dies inside,

Who shall take Thy blame?


Broken glass is dangerous to my trees,

But it still seems to lie about.

Excitement as it exuberantly shatters?

Injured animals can’t scream or shout.


When you see thy litter in the streets,

And the air smells of pollution.

The greenery around turning into a black and white decrepit.

Remember there is always a solution.


Is it too much to ask?

Recycling is the way.

Keeping the rubbish off my streets is such a simple task,

If not now when? Someday all the people inside my globe will pay.


Please care about your dear Mother Earth !

There’s no time to kill or binding it’s fate.

Start today my precious ones!

Tomorrow will be too late.


Now I shall leave you at last,

For how long can I stand my trouble?

I start to scream and tremble,

I give you all I have,

To protect my solemn end.

But now it’s all up to your hands in the end to defend!

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