little miss Misfortune me | Teen Ink

little miss Misfortune me

March 31, 2023
By Foxclove BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
Foxclove BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

For how long have I been in misfortune? 

How much longer will I be in poverty? 

All I see is darkness. 

All I see is black. 

All I hear are people complaining to me.

 Where did it all begin?

 Why me?


 I just want to live a normal life without anyone complaining to me.

 I want to see it in color. 

shades of darkness.

 I do not know what I feel other than cobwebs and lies. 

The feeling of numbness absorbs my body.

 I have tried to be the good guy for so long and yet, people still do not respect me.

 I am trying to do good.

 Can no one see that?

 I just want to help, not harm.

 I have to put on a mask to hide the pain that people have put me through. 

I am content with life, I just wish that some can fix themselves so I do not have to for them. 

I keep giving and they keep taking from me and yet, I have nothing in return. 

I just sometimes wonder “why do I keep doing this?” Why is a good question? 

Why is that such a good question?

 I keep breaking walls and still, some keep blocking my way as I keep fighting and bleeding.

 Am I not human enough for people to see that im just like them?

 Sometimes, momma used to say to keep your head high and ignore the people who try to bring you down.

I would say keep your head high or you will drown. 

Society nowadays is a jungle and your gonna have to survive the best you can with what you got. 

Some people think it’s money but, it is hope.   

Yes, money can help but… why do people depend on it?

 People leech off of others. Everyone is poor but they do not want to work. All they want to do is sit at home and leech off their family, friends, or the government.

The author's comments:

this poem is in a first-person POV (point of view) about me (the author) going through the life that the world has created. 


proofread by my lovely tutor and mentor

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 12 2023 at 8:54 am
Foxclove BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
i forgot to separate the last part lol. i hope you guys like it!