Ode To Empty Wine Glass | Teen Ink

Ode To Empty Wine Glass

December 22, 2022
By Jianniee BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Jianniee BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh my Dear Wine, You were the Red wine to my glass. 

As You were my wine,

You weren't bitter but sweet, Causing such a

lustful taste on my tongue. 

as I continue to consume your luscious taste 

till you're empty.

As the glass emptied leaving my loving lip marks

On the glass. 

You continued to pour your

love and touch into my Empty Wine Glass.

As We continued this loophole, 

One day You began to drift, disappearing in my wine Glass, and I started to wait for you to pour. 

No returns.                           

As I see you pour yourself into my Wine Glass, I see my mark was wiped off, Concerning as it is seen I assume it was nothing. 

You tasted bitter as I haven't tasted this attitude before. 

You dreadfully pulled yourself away from me, as I feel your touch I feel my wine glass breaking. 

Causing a crack. 

As I pour water into my Wine glass, It continues to leak. Pouring such salty water through the cracks, not knowingly what to do but letting it leak.

You weren’t careful with my Glass with that expired taste of yours. Causing that Salty water to leak once again. 

Oh my Dear Wine, Why so Bitter?...

The author's comments:

This Ode is based on a true relationship, That was once a Lusted relationship that ended up being toxically expired. Red Wine represents the person that "Glass" used to love, which Glass Represents Me in the poem. Glass and Red Wine were a couple who continuingly consume each other's affections and attention till it was Bitter and Expired.

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