Number | Teen Ink


October 20, 2022
By Anonymous

At first it was just a number I was negligent towards 

One that didn’t make my hair fall out,

Or make my hands shake

Just one that slept stilly in the back of my mind

But someone flipped that switch

Freezing my fragile heart, cold,

And devouring my mind with this black, infectious mold

Ripping away every ounce of self control

So I watch my collar bones inch their way out of me

And trace my finger down my now visible spine,

Examining the blue divots under my eyes

My ribs popping out almost feels like a prize

But nobody ever asks what goes on behind my blank stare

Unfolding the blankets of hurt would be too much to bare

So I continue to twist my frail, falling hair

Gazing at my body, paralyzed in despair

The author's comments:

TW: Eating Disorder

This piece is based off of a common struggle, an eating disorder. It sparked from a deep depression after a traumatic event and I have been trying to put it into words ever since. This piece is very personal yet something I know many people can relate to. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 27 2022 at 4:22 am
gracielou25 BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
this is beautiful. keep it up <3