My Own Manifesto–Inspired by Other Side of the Game by Amanda Parris | Teen Ink

My Own Manifesto–Inspired by Other Side of the Game by Amanda Parris

May 1, 2022
By Jiayishao SILVER, Toronto, Ontario
Jiayishao SILVER, Toronto, Ontario
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cannot give you a definitive answer
If you ask me who I am;
I’ve tried a bit of everything, been to places galore,
But I am still on my way.
Say what you want,
Call me a journalist, a poet,
All I know is I am
Tired of feeling powerless.
I want to join a movement
the movement.
Find the answers to my questions,
Quench my thirst with knowledge.
I’m tired of resting, of lying,
I, too, want to rise up.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school junior in Toronto. my previous work has been accepted by The Louisville Review. I love telling stories through my poems and habitually process my thoughts through writing. I enjoy jogging on a sunny day while listening to a playlist of beloved songs I'd almost forgotten.

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