here we are | Teen Ink

here we are

April 25, 2022
By riya_kharode PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
riya_kharode PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"though I may be going down, I'm taking flame over burning out" -sara bareilles, uncharted

here we are;

we fall and falter and grow and grind;

we hover, we trickle down like honey;

we ignore and ignite and jolt unpleasant;

we kill and we love and we linger and listen;

we move, we mask, we are never not overthinking ourselves;

we promise and plead and quiver, quietly questioning

reality, is this reality, we’re stupid for singing and stupid for

thinking we could ever tumble out, but underneath it all,

here we are;

we are here.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem after reading "flowers" by Lucille Clifton, and I used the line "here we are" to start my poem. In every line, I moved through the alphabet in order using mostly nouns and verbs, ending it with the letter "u".

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