Hope? | Teen Ink


April 22, 2022
By Anonymous

Entangled in dreams,

Immersed in labyrinths.

They say it’s a moment of rebirth.

Without a chime, it set straight in.

Fading murmurs in the ward,

Chilly feet staggering to the ground.

Flashing illusions of skeletons,

Grimy coffins underground.

What brings us here? Why on earth?

Thanks to the infamous Corona.

Five letters, two numbers,

And one deadly microbe,

Brought mankind to a standstill,

Handcuffed us and locked us up,

Crafted a septum between us.

We’re lost amidst an endless sea,

With splashing waves and snapping beasts.

Without the presence of the motor,

Our ship has shattered into bits of debris,

Yet, there’s still one tiny, minuscule seed planted deep down in Pandora’s box.

In these paradoxical times,

We inflicted upon ourselves our own takeaways.

We connected and radiated warmth like never before. 

Turn around,

The sun is about to rise.

The author's comments:

Ever since the pandemic hit, numerous have lost their loved ones. At the very start, everyone was immersed in absolute fear. We didn’t know who’d be the next to suffer from such pain. And we didn’t know what to do when the people around us got really, really sick.

Last year, I was in seventh grade. I remember how the entire class panicked when our English teacher was declared as a close contact person and sent to a quarantine camp. Everyone was just so worried about our beloved teacher, and had no idea how we’d catch up on our coursework. Failing our exam was within expectation. 

Determined to boost the class morale, I wrote down my thoughts on paper, and sent it to the entire class. The enthusiasm came back, and with a whole lot of hard work, we passed our exams with flying colors.

The pandemic continues to this day, but we are much more knowledgeable and prepared now. I truly hope that this poem can inspire you all to collectively keep up with whatever amazing thing you’re working on. Obstacles do occur, but think of it as a motivator, not a discouragement. 

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Afra ELITE said...
on May. 11 2022 at 12:01 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Remarkably written!!! Good work getting this on editor's choice...👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻