Finding a Way to You | Teen Ink

Finding a Way to You

March 7, 2022
By Anonymous

My bones were fueled with the pungent smell of gasoline.

Siren-like voices echo in my head.

An urgency slowly creeps to every nerve in my body.

I drive and drive and drive,

Hoping I would catch a glance of your last breath.

Yet the cars line up as far as I can see,

And when I arrive at your bedside,

You have already parted from me.

Although you have taken my heart with you,

I wouldn’t hesitate to give it to you again

In this life

In another life

Or the next time I see you.

As I drown in a sea of my tears,

I take solace knowing I am eternally bound to you.

You can never escape me.

I’m on my way to you.

The author's comments:

It walks the line of what is considered love.

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