Real Rom-Com | Teen Ink

Real Rom-Com

November 6, 2021
By SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
SriyaB BRONZE, Dubai, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it the perfect “meet-cute”?

No, it’s just the first time they meet at orientation. 

Does she drop her books? And does he pick them up for her?

No, they just faintly wave at each other from across the room. 

Are they stopped by the nerd versus jock stereotypes they were bred into?

No, their friends actually giggle about the never-ending possibilities.

Does he bring her flowers to ask her out?

No, he just dms her, and she leaves him in doubt. 

Does she wait for him at the door?

No, she meets him at the ticket booth of the theater.

Do they write each other love letters?

No, but we do see messages,

“u feeling better, dummy?”

Does she call her friends to help her get ready for their date?

No, but she does wear her most comfortable dress ‘cause the theater’s cold. 

Does he plan this night with the utmost caution?

No, because it’s just two friends hanging out. 

Do they end the night with a kiss?

No, but they share a smile. 

The light-heartedness of a high-school romance, 

Requires no more attention than a quick glance. 

The age-old relationship between a boy and a girl. 

An event as sweet as the spring wind,

Not predesigned,

Just the fate of two teenagers entwined. 

The author's comments:

Based on the life of a current high school student, me. 


Sriya (she/ her) is a high school sophomore from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where she resides now after Singapore, Mumbai, and being born in Kolkata, India. Her weekends comprise singing, kayaking, writing poetry through calligraphy, and talking to new people in between volleyball games. Her poetry has been published with The Weight Journal.

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