Endlessly, Invariably | Teen Ink

Endlessly, Invariably

April 26, 2021
By Lorelei14 BRONZE, Strasbourg, Other
Lorelei14 BRONZE, Strasbourg, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Always pity the thinkers, for they are cursed with their own imagination. -Atticus

Cold, stale wind on the balcony.

A creamy moon stamped in the sky,

Framed between bars

From the floor.

Brown curls trying to fly away with the wind,

Disappointment at their anchoring.

Warm, brown eyes eclipsed by a milky moon,

The edges sparkling with stars.

Broad shoulders relaxed into the silence,

Wind whispering its secrets into his ear,

Tan skin, warm, pressed into cold tile.

bumps of cold peppering arms,

Wind slithering its way through fine hair.

A flutter of curtains,

Dead butterfly wings hung from the ceiling.

A wall of clear separation pushed aside.

He doesn’t turn his head.

Next a foot,


Painted toenails and lotion the only protection from the wind.

Then a body,

Emerging from behind the flitting curtain,

An exhale.

An inhale.

Now he’s not alone.

Equal height,

Same view,

An ear listening carefully to a shoulder,

Searching for a heartbeat

That quickens

With each



Of breath curling into the night,

Smoke from her fire.

A lamppost glows below,

The street’s candle,

Dingy yellow light

Enclosed in dirty, fogged glass.

And above,

Two birds,


To nothing but the




And the 


The author's comments:

As often when I write, this piece was inspired by a song and a clear scene in my head.  Poetry to me is warping the perspective of the world or a moment and telling it in a creative, upended way, which I tried to evoke here.  I love descriptions and stillness and from there the work flows, the scene taking over and writing for you.  

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