october nights | Teen Ink

october nights

March 27, 2021
By ZAM0201 SILVER, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
ZAM0201 SILVER, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

flies kites next to a music store, it sways

under the clouds. I walk around muddy puddles,

the scent of rain lingers in the grass. days

slow -no- quick. I decorate my lamp with

artificial flowers and read fiction by the dim light, stiff

fingers as I thumb the pages. my phone

screen flashes bright, notifications full from everyone

but you. fluorescent lighting casts overlapping crescents,

the shell of a moon sliver, husks of ghosts.

I’ve only read about longing this strong in

the books that lay hidden in my drawers.

silent lightning and bleeding watercolors.

damp clothing and inclusive metaphors.

hesitant smiles in the hallways,

you don’t notice.


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