Metathesiophobia | Teen Ink


March 16, 2021
By Anonymous

Chapter 18 - I can’t get myself to turn the page. 

I’ve become accustomed to the past chapters, 

Memorized the lines.

I’ve never read past Chapter 17. 

Can’t I just go back?

Then there’s nothing to worry about. 

The new vocabulary,

           New characters, 

                  New setting… 

What if I don’t like the new characters?

Can I go back to my old favorites?

I don’t think I’m ready. 

The words are completely foreign to me in the next chapter. 

I don’t know what to expect. 

The redesign of the pages doesn’t sit right. 

I feel rushed - 

Like suddenly I have forgotten how to read. 

All of the words become one big one -


The smell of the pages is unfamiliar, 

The feeling of emptiness engulfs me.  

I can’t shake it. 

Chapter 18 - I can’t get myself to turn the page.

But it is inevitable,

I have to. 

I turn the page and begin to sound out each syllable.

The smell of the pages raises the hair on my arms.

I finish the first page and catch my breath. 

The book has barely started. 

The author's comments:

I wote this conceit in light of going to college. I don't like change and don't want to accept the next chapter. In the end, I am going to have to. Which is something I am struggling with currently, but I know I will overcome. 

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